GALEO se asocia con State Farm Arena para traducir el voto anticipado

Friday, October 16, 2020 (Atlanta, GA) – GALEO and Atlanta’s State Farm Arena have teamed up for early voting efforts. The State Farm Arena website includes instructions on how citizens who are registered to vote in Fulton County residents can vote early at this location. GALEO has helped State Farm Arena translate these instructions here: […]
La Facultad de Derecho de la UGA rinde homenaje a Luis Aguilar, antiguo alumno y ex comisionado de la SEC, con la inauguración de su retrato

Jerry Gonzalez, GALEO, 678.691.1086 UGA law school honors alumnus and former SEC commissioner, Luis Aguilar, with portrait unveiling 1st Latino distinguished with honor and Aguilar was also former GALEO Board Member Friday, October 16, 2020 (Athens, GA) – As the month celebrating Latinx heritage draws to a close, the University of Georgia School of […]