COMUNICADO DE PRENSA: Defensores del voto instan al condado de Hall, Georgia, a mantener la votación anticipada para la segunda vuelta de enero
For Immediate ReleaseDecember 17, 2020CONTACTElla Wiley: ewiley@naacpldf.orgElianne Ramos: eramos@latinojustice.orgTravis Abercrombie: Voting Advocates Urge Hall County, Georgia to Maintain Early Voting for January Runoff Yesterday, Latino Justice (PRLDEF), the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. (LDF), Latino Community Fund (LCF Georgia), GALEO, Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights (GLAHR), Hispanic Federation, MiJente Support Committee, […]
Segunda vuelta… ¿Qué es eso? (Elección de Segunda Vuelta… ¿Qué es eso?)

Natalia B. Dutra What is a Runoff? Most of us have already voted this year, once if not twice, yet I’ve been getting more texts and calls about voting. What’s that about? Surprise, there is another election very soon! This election is known as a runoff election. These types of elections happen when there is […]
COMUNICADO DE PRENSA: Más de 130.000 nuevos ciudadanos naturalizados en Georgia pueden influir en el resultado de la segunda vuelta de las elecciones al Senado de 2021, según un informe de GALEO, AAAJ-Atlanta y NPNA
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Cristian Solano Cordova E: Tel: (720) 434-4632 A report release today sheds light on the potential impact of newly naturalized citizens on national, state, and local elections Facebook LIVE Recording Available Here ATLANTA, GA – More than 130,000 people have naturalized in Georgia since 2014, according to a new report by the National Partnership […]
El punto de vista de la hija de un trabajador de una planta avícola durante COVID-19

*This blog is written by an anonymous member of GALEO. Hall County is known as the poultry capital of the state. Unfortunately, to this day the poultry industry in Hall County cares more about profits than its employees. During the start of the pandemic, businesses followed CDC regulations during the state lockdown. Poultry plants, on […]