Abierto el plazo de inscripción para la 3ª Cumbre de Líderes Latinos
Contact: Jennifer Zenteno, jennifer@galeo.org, 770.674.0551 (Norcross, GA): June 26th, 2019 – GALEO & OLAS at Georgia Gwinnett College open the registration process for community members to join us for a day of leadership training and development. The Latino Leaders Summit will provide skills development on policy issues, basic leadership skills and professional development skills for […]
Un juez federal afirma que la pregunta sobre la ciudadanía en el censo obedece a motivos discriminatorios
New evidence paints a “disturbing picture” of 2020 census question’s purpose June 24, 2019—GREENBELT, MD—Today, U.S. District Court Judge George J. Hazel issued an opinion on last week’s ruling stating that new evidence presented in Advancing Justice | AAJC (Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC) and MALDEF’s (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund) challenge […]