
La jornada electoral debe seguir siendo el 19 de mayo Declaran ciudadanos preocupados y defensores del derecho al voto, incluido GALEO

CONTACT: Adam Sweat, 678-951-2172

Election Day Must Remain on May 19th Declare Concerned Citizens and Voting Rights Advocates, Including GALEO

Friday, March 27, 2020 (Atlanta, GA) – Responding to House Speaker David Ralston’s request that Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger move the May 19 election until at least June 23, ProGeorgia and its affiliates issued the following statement:

“On March 14, 2020, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger made the wise decision to postpone voting in the March 24, 2020 presidential preference primary until May 19th in the interest of public health because of the emerging COVID-19 crisis.  Since that time, plans have been made by the Secretary of State and county election officials to move forward with the presidential preference primary, the local, county and Congressional primaries, and nonpartisan general elections on May 19th. In fact, vote by mail absentee ballots are already scheduled to be mailed out beginning on March 31 to voters who request them.

“We are unaware of any evidence establishing that the COVID-19 public health emergency will be over by June 23, 2020 or by any specific time frame this summer that would justify making yet another change in the election calendar. Delaying our primary again – or placing a moving target on elections – until this summer increases the risk that Georgia’s voters may not have their voices heard or their votes fully counted in enough time to participate in the Republican or Democratic National Conventions this summer.

“Moving the May 19th elections to June 23rd as suggested by Speaker Ralston should not be an option at this time because of the lack of evidence that the COVID-19 crisis will be resolved by that time and the substantial likelihood that another change in the election schedule will create confusion among voters and lead to reduced turnout.

 “Therefore, we are calling upon Secretary Raffensperger to proceed with the timely administration of our primary elections on May 19th and to ensure that integrity and transparency are maintained throughout this process.

About ProGeorgia

ProGeorgia is a bold, trusted, and diverse collaborative that champions an equitable and inclusive democracy, for and with traditionally underrepresented communities. ProGeorgia supports and coordinates the civic engagement programs of our diverse partner organizations, and develops the infrastructure, executes the joint strategies, and employs new tools and technology to assure a government that is more responsive to the needs of our constituencies.


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