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GALEO lanza «Luchar. Votar. Poder» de registro de votantes y campaña GOTV


Jerry Gonzalez, GALEO

jerry@galeo.org, 678.691.1086

Friday, September 18, 2020 (Norcross, GA) – GALEO announced the start of the largest voter registration and Get Out The Vote (GOTV) efforts in the organization’s history today. Building off the tremendous participation of the Latino electorate in 2018 for Georgia’s elections and significant interest and participation in the 2020 primary elections, GALEO expects this will be a record breaking year for Latino voter participation in the state.

“The Latino electorate in Georgia is approximately 250,000 strong and could be a decisive part of the outcome in the 2020 elections for the state and for local races,” said Jerry Gonzalez, Executive Director of GALEO.

The campaign is centered around the three words of: Engage, Vote, Power (Luchar, Votar, Poder). It will be centered around ensuring the Latino electorate continues to engage during this critical election cycle in both voter registration and in turnout for participation in the competitive elections this year.

GALEO has already started text and phone banking of the Latino electorate throughout the state. This will be followed by bilingual mailers being sent to the entire Latinx electorate starting today.  Yard signs and magnets will be distributed to promote voter registration and to take pledges to vote. Fliers with QR codes will be attached to packets for PPE delivery to poultry workers, with food bank distribution efforts, and with COVID19 testing sites in Hall County.  GALEO will also be working extensively with Spanish media and social media to educate and inform the Latinx electorate of the options for exercising their right to vote.  At this time, most of the outreach will be done via media, phone, text and socially distant due to the pandemic.

On Saturday night, September 19, GALEO will have a fun evening of Latin music provided by DJ Fernando encouraging viewers who join to register to vote, if eligible, and to turn out to vote.

GALEO will also educate voters about their rights to request for Spanish assistance from Gwinnett County.  Furthermore, those who do not live in Gwinnett County are able to select a person of their choice, except for boss or union representative, to assist them in translation for voting in person or by mail.

As in years past, GALEO has a voicemail system to assist Spanish dominant voters with questions or problems that they may encounter (1-888-54GALEO / 1-888-544-2536).

For any voters that need to update their current address and need to register to vote, GALEO has a QR code and url for easy access (https://bit.ly/OVRGALEO).  Deadline to update your address or register to vote is October 5th.

Voters then have three options to vote:  Vote by mail/absentee, in-person early voting (starting Oct. 12 through Oct. 30), or voting in-person on Election Day ( 7 AM- 7PM).  All voters are encouraged to make a plan and to vote.

To volunteer with our bilingual outreach efforts, people can sign up here.  For further questions on volunteering, an email should be sent to polo@galeo.org.

To pledge to vote, voters can sign up here.

To donate to these efforts, people can donate here.

GALEO also continues to hire canvassers for help with our outreach efforts.  Interested people should send an email to jchow@galeo.org.

This massive outreach effort was made possible in part by funding provided by “Vote Your Voice Initiative” from the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta and the Southern Poverty Law Center, among other funders and donors.


GALEO’s mission is to increase civic engagement and leadership development of the Latino/Hispanic community across Georgia.

CORE BELIEFS: Inclusive, Non-Partisan, Diversity, Responsive

Website: http://www.galeo.org

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