
Comunicado de Prensa: El Instituto GALEO para el Liderazgo, Programa de Liderazgo Latinx reconocido a nivel nacional, en colaboración con el Instituto J.W. Fanning de la UGA, acepta solicitudes para 2021: ¡Solicite hoy!


Media:  Jerry Gonzalez, GALEO,, 678.691.1086

Questions about the program:  Jennifer Zenteno, 770.674.0551.

Thursday, December 3, 2020 (Norcross, GA) -The GALEO Institute for Leadership has been recognized “as one of the best Latino leadership programs in the nation.” The National Alliance of Latino Leadership Programs has recognized GALEO for helping grow a nation of Latino Leaders in addition to listing the program on their national directory

GALEO & the GALEO Latino Community Development Fund are accepting online applications for the GALEO Institute for Leadership, Class of 2021.

The deadline to apply is on Sunday, January 10, 2021, at midnight. 

As part of the GALEO Institute for Leadership, we have continued our strategic partnership with the University of Georgia’s Fanning Institute to expand and develop our joint efforts for the Community Leadership Program.

University of Georgia Fanning Institute: Founded in 1982, the Fanning Institute is named for Vice President and Professor Emeritus J.W. Fanning, whom many consider to be the father of leadership in Georgia. His leadership and community development legacy is carried on today through the Fanning Institute’s continued vision of building community capacity.

The curriculum being utilized for the GALEO Institute for Leadership will be the University of Georgia’s Fanning Institute 6th Edition CLP (revised 2016). The curriculum provides eight modules designed to assist participants in:

Becoming more knowledgeable about themselves, leadership practices, and their communities;

Developing skills needed to assist them in becoming stronger community leaders;

Coming together to use their newly acquired knowledge and enhanced leadership skills to address community issues, needs, problems, and challenges;

Exercising leadership by engaging themselves in activities and undertaking projects to improve their communities.

In 2021 we will continue with our year-round cycle which will utilize the Fanning Institute’s Community Leadership Program modules and we will be coupling them with additional activities to further promote the leadership development of our community leaders. Latinos continue to be a growing segment of Georgia’s community and we have a responsibility to lead, however, participants from ALL backgrounds are welcome and encouraged to apply.

The seminars are open to all persons, regardless of their racial or ethnic background. Diverse participants are encouraged to apply. The leadership sessions are more beneficial to all when the group represents broad diversity, so EVERYONE is encouraged to apply.

The GALEO Institute for Leadership sessions will be conducted in English. Participants will be selected based on their potential for leadership and their eagerness in implementing community betterment projects and initiatives.

The program will begin on Friday, February 12, 2021, with a reception in the evening, and then continue on Saturday, February 13, 2021, for a day of sessions. Afterward, the schedule is set for monthly sessions to allow for statewide participation. Due to COVID-19, GALEO will continue hosting it’s monthly sessions virtually. We will continue awaiting guidelines from the CDC on when it becomes safe to gather again and at that time we update participants on our plan to safely resume in person sessions.

For more information and for a link to the online application to apply today, please visit this link:

This leadership program was made possible in part by the Sapelo Foundation, Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation, the University of Georgia-Fanning Institute, State Farm Insurance Company, and GALEO & the GALEO Impact Fund.


GALEO’s mission is to increase civic engagement and leadership development of the Latino/Hispanic community across Georgia.

CORE BELIEFS: Inclusive, Non-Partisan, Diversity, Responsive


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