ATLANTA, GA – On June 10th, 2021, GALEO and the GALEO Latino Community Development Fund published the fourth report highlighting the 2020 growth and engagement of the Latino voters in Georgia. In partnership with NALEO Educational Fund and the Department of Political Science of the University of Georgia, GALEO unveiled the most comprehensive Latino electorate analysis in Georgia during the 2020 election cycle and the rapid growth of the Latino-Hispanic electorate in the state.
Check the report here: GLV 2020 Report
In the 2020 election cycle, the Latino electorate in the state of Georgia continued to grow with significant impact. This report’s analysis showcases that the Latino electorate became more politically and civically conscious. Georgia’s electoral results indicate this development. Based upon the statewide voter data file and the analysis on this report from March 5th, 2021, the Latino electorate now has 385,185 registered voters, representing 4.1% of Georgia’s total voters.
The Latino electorate grew by 140,995 new voters since the 2016 report, presenting a growth rate of 57.7%. On a national level, the Latino vote increased by 6 million voters since the 2016 election cycle, approaching a record number of 18.7 million voters in 2020. Reportedly, one in 10 voters was Latino in 2020. Additionally, younger Latinos ages 18 to 40, with about 2.4 million voters, were first-time and newly registered voters. The Latina vote was vital in many battleground states like Florida, Texas, Arizona, and Georgia.
The electorate in Georgia is evolving swiftly, and the Latino community is an indispensable part of the electorate that should be targeted, respected, and cultivated by all political parties in the state. As the Latino community increases in numbers and force, elected officials and candidates should pay Georgia’s critical demographic attention.
GALEO is a non-profit organization based in Atlanta, Georgia, founded in 2003. GALEO strives for a better Georgia where the Latinx community is engaged civically. GALEO contributions are involved in increasing civic participation of the Latinx community and developing prominent Latino leaders throughout Georgia. – 888.54GALEO
Our report in the media:
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Report shows growth of Latino vote in Georgia
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