Voting Resources

¡Tu voz es tu voto!

Luchar. Votar. Poder

As Georgia becomes the battleground state, the Latin and Hispanic communities must ensure that our rights are protected, and voices are heard. Remember, tu voz es tu voto.

Do you have any election issues or questions? Call us at 1-888-54GALEO (1-888-544-2536).

Check if you are registered to vote, and check where your polling location is on the My Voter Page (MVP).

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In the past decade, GALEO has engaged in countless efforts across the state to register new voters, mobilize the Latino electorate, and engage Latinos in the policy process. With the 2024 US Senate Runoff Elections approaching, we will work tirelessly to ensure that all eligible Latino and Hispanic voters are registered and turn out to vote. Having a proactive and robust Latino electorate will shape the future of our state and our nation!

Here are some tips for election day that would be helpful to share with your friends:

Know your rights in Spanish.

Rides to the Polls info can be found here.

Where Do I Vote On Election Day?

CLICK HERE to find out where you vote on Election Day. Polling places are usually within walking distance of your home (unless you are in a very rural area). A polling place can be in a business, a person’s house, a school, or a community center, to name a few establishments.

I May Already Be Registered But I Don’t Know. How Do I Know If I’m Registered To Vote?

You can check your voter registration status directly by logging in to the Georgia My Voter Page website at

I Am A Voter With A Disability. Will My Polling Place Be Accessible And What Options Do I Have To Cast A Ballot?

Every voter has the right to cast a private and independent ballot, including voters with disabilities. If you want to learn more about what your voting rights are or were denied the right to vote because of your disability, you can find your state’s National Disability Rights Network member agency here. Additional resources for voters with disabilities can be found through the U.S. Election Assistance Commission and Nonprofit VOTE.

Do I Need To Show Identification To Vote?

Most states require some form of identification either when you register and/or when you vote. The rules vary state by state.

Does A Voter Card Serve As A Form Of Identification For Voting?

Most states do not accept a voter card as a form of ID. If you are a first-time voter who mailed in your registration form, you should check out our Election Center to find out what identification you will need at the polls.

If you have any questions, need assistance, or want more information, please call 1-888-54-GALEO (42536).

Problems with Your Voter Registration?

When you register to vote, you submit an application and normally you will receive a voter registration card in the mail showing that you are a registered voter.

If you received a letter in the mail saying there are problems with your voter registration, please read below:

The State of Georgia has created a system to review information on voter registration applications.  In this system, the State looks at information about you that is kept at the Department of Driver Services (DDS).

If you have a driver’s license (or state identification card), your voter registration application will be compared to the information you gave when you received your driver’s license.

Information at DDS is not always correct.  For example, you may have showed your “green card” (permanent resident card) when you got your driver’s license at DDS.  If you have since become a U.S. citizen, and submitted a voter registration application, you may be “flagged” as a non-citizen because of information at the DDS.  Even some people who were born in the United States are listed as non-U.S. citizens by DDS.

If you are flagged as a non-citizen when you register to vote, the County Registrar’s office may send you a letter saying that you have to prove your citizenship.  The County Registrar’s office may also send you a letter saying that you are not qualified to vote because your citizenship status is unclear.  The letter will explain the steps you should take to provide proof of citizenship.  This may include presenting your birth certificate, naturalization certificate, or other proof of citizenship within a certain number of days.

If you receive a letter saying there is a problem with your citizenship when you register to vote, please contact GALEO at 1-888-54GALEO (1-888-544-2536), or call MALDEF toll-free at 1-877-224-5476 and ask for Carmen Leija.  We will talk with you about the steps you need to take to prove your citizenship.

To make a complaint regarding possible violations of the federal voting rights laws, you may contact the US Department of Justice toll-free at (800) 253-3931. There are no special forms to use or procedures to follow. (Voting Section, Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice, Room 7254 – NWB, 950 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20530)

If you believe you have been denied the right to vote due to disability or the right to accessible voting, please contact the Georgia Advocacy Office at (800) 537-2329 or (404) 885-1234. (Voice or TTY).

Is there an early voting period?

Georgia permits early voting. Learn more by visiting this website

Who is eligible for absentee voting?

Absentee ballots are an option for registered voters who prefer to vote by mail instead of voting in-person. You do not need an excuse to request an absentee ballot. You must request an absentee ballot to receive one in the mail. Your absentee ballot must be received by your local County Board of Registrar’s Office by the time polls close on Election Day in order to be counted.

Absentee Ballot

From the secretary of state’s voting information page:

A voter who requests an absentee ballot by mail is not required to provide a reason why they are voting absentee.

You may vote by absentee ballot in person if:

If any of the above apply to you, download the application for the official absentee/advance ballot and mail it or fax it to your county board of registrars’ office.

Note: If you are registered to vote and live in Gwinnett County, you may complete this application instead.

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