
2024 US Electorate Poll

2024 American Electorate Voter Poll
Eleven national organizations recently released the findings from the 2024 American Electorate Voter Poll, a survey of over 9,400 voters that provides an in-depth look at how voters of color, including Latino, Black, AAPI, and Native American communities, cast their ballots. The poll, which follows over a decade of multi-racial voter data, offers key insights into voter choices, priorities, and motivations in critical states, revealing both shared concerns and distinct differences between voters of color and White voters. It highlights issues like the economy, abortion access, clean energy, and immigration reform, showing strong support among voters of color for progressive policies and underscoring their significant role in shaping the election outcomes.
“El 62% de los votantes latinos apoyaron a Kamala Harris”
“La mayoría de los votantes de color apoyaron al vicepresidente Harris, mientras que la mayoría de los votantes blancos, hombres y mujeres, apoyaron a Donald Trump”.
“A pesar de las narrativas que intentaron enmarcar un electorado cambiante hacia Donald Trump y el Partido Republicano, una cosa está muy clara: los latinos y las comunidades de color apoyaron firmemente a la vice presidenta Harris. Si bien Trump mejoró su desempeño en casi todos los grupos demográficos, la abrumadora mayoría de los votantes de color (84% de los votantes negros, 62% de los votantes latinos, 61% de los votantes de AAPI y 57% de los votantes nativos americanos) votaron por Harris en gran diferencia”.

GALEO will continue to work to build power for our communities in Georgia. We will continue to work towards a better solution for our broken immigration system, while at the same time upholding the work, dignity, and contributions both Latinos and immigrants make to our state and nation.

We take time to reflect on the outcomes of the elections, but we continue to move our communities forward to realize our vision:  GALEO strives for a better Georgia where the Latino population is engaged and building community, their contributions are respected, and policy measures reflect their values. 

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