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About Us

GALEO, formerly known as the Georgia Association of Elected Officials, is a non-partisan non-profit organization based in Norcross, Georgia, founded in 2003. GALEO strives for a better Georgia where the Latinx community is engaged civically, and its contributions and concerns are recognized. GALEO focuses on increasing civic participation of the Latinx community and developing prominent Latino leaders throughout Georgia.

Mission & Vision

Mission: To increase civic participation by educating and empowering the Latino community and to develop Latino leaders through strategic leadership programs throughout the state of Georgia.

Vision: GALEO strives for a better Georgia where the Latino population is engaged and building community, their contributions are respected, and policy measures reflect their values.

Core Beliefs

Inclusive, Non-Partisan, Diversity, Responsive


When GALEO was established, Georgia’s Latino community was not well represented, nor was it a viable electoral force; today, there are over 385,000 registered Latino voters in the state. There are nearly one million Latinos in Georgia, with one of the fastest growth rates of the Latino population in the nation. GALEO engages in advocacy, creates opportunities for engagement and networking, and develops leadership skills for Latino community members. During the past year, GALEO staff and volunteers have participated in events at food banks, churches, and schools, where they provide information while assisting with free COVID-19 testing and food distribution. We also have been handing out flyers at city events, supermarkets, and churches that target Latinos. In 2022, we plan to connect with over 1 million voters/ potential voters through phone banking, text banking, in-person canvassing events, and going door to door. The GALEO Institute for Leadership (GIL) builds future leaders in the community, especially young Latinxs. As of November 2021, we have graduated over 700 future leaders from the program. We partner with Georgia State University to offer leadership training at their main (downtown Atlanta) campus with plans to expand to other local universities. Our Georgia Latino Vote (GLV) program supports voter registration and participation efforts throughout the state. For the General Election in 2020, GALEO’s People of Color (POC) universe voter turnout rate was 54.79%, compared to a statewide POC turnout rate of 47%. For the Senate Runoffs (January 2021), 78% of Latinos who voted in the General Election returned to vote in the Runoff Elections.

Charity Navigator rating 

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